Lotta Barlach 3/5 - 20/5
Denims, silks and velvets
The brand Lotta - Female Work and Play was released in november 2009. Male work wear was one of the main sources of inspiration. The difference being that the Lotta garments are designed for female shapes from a female point of view.
Denims, silks and velvets - some new and some recycled - contribute to the sense of an assemblage. The combination of numb and elastic materials creates the effect of a girdle that reinforces female shape and silhouette. The first series of skirts has high waist, visible zippers and interchangeable pockets.
In May 2010 Galleri Moln på marken presents the brand’s work in progress, an experimental collection combined with hundreds of ink drawings made by Lotta Barlach between 2006 and 2010.
The influences for the collection ranges from the Tudor kings and queens of England and the rokoko court couture of France to the rough streets of a contemporary urban environment.
The ink drawings capture the streets of Stockholm, London and Berlin and bring them into the gallery.
Vernissage thursday 6/5 17.00-21.00
Galleri Moln på marken
Skeppargatan 29